Friday, April 29, 2005

Summer Action

Well I pack up my internet in a few hours and I’m done my first year of university. I may post sporadically during the summer because I'll be up north treeplanting. After that its Cuba time just gotta hope Fidel is still alive by that time eh.

I was thinking about signing up with the Blogging New Democrats but I’m guessing I'll be unavailable to do any serious blogging in the run up to now anticipated June 27 election. But if by some miracle Martin manages to hold on until the fall I will certainly join for the election coverage then.

So for the summer if anybody stumbles across this humble and yet Hellsza Decent Blog then don’t worry I'll start her up again in mid-August.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

A Green Terrorist?

Thanks to CBC we have this interesting animal rights fellow:

In the past, Vlasak has spoken on behalf of such radical groups as the Animal Liberation Front, which the FBI considers a terrorist threat.

He once told an animal rights conference that killing research scientists would save lab animals from experiments he considers cruel.

"If these vivisectors were being targeted for assassination, and call it political assassination or what have you ... strictly from a fear and intimidation factor, that would be an effective tactic," he said.

"I don't think you'd have to kill, assassinate too many vivisectors before you would see a marked decrease in the amount of vivisection."

Wow thats extremism for ya. There animals man get over it. They may be cute but researching on lab animals and seal hunting is just good to go. Too be fair his Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has some decent points. I mean protecting our oceans and making sure we are substainable is very important. They seem to be a solid organization but Im not sure that going after the Canadian seal hunt will help their cause.

Certainly when one of their leaders advocated murder of humans to stop a legal and controlled cull of seals; (albeit controversial and worth debating) is counterproductive because the media will and has jumped on it (and rightly so). Although I have not heard much in the mainstream media about death threats and hate speech that comes from far-right sites such as Little Green Footballs.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Funniest Comment Ever

To start off the day I like to read a good patriotic American blog about the coming Glorious Christian Cultral Revolution. The blog of course is Jesus' General where every good soldier can go to learn of the insidous Liberalist-Roaders. Anyway I found one of the funniest comments I've ever read by a Colonel Custard. It was concerning the rabidly racist pro-Israel Little Green Footballs weblog. Here is the comment in full:

Sir, General, Sir!

I have it on good authority from an LGF defector that the origin of the name "Little Green Footballs" is indeed, based on none other than the object which LGFers use in their "rectal insertion festivals" at those infamous LGF anal orgies on Saturday nights in their members' mothers' basements. In fact, as my contact has further explained, LGF's original name was BRBB (Big Red Bowling Balls), a reflection of their initial predilection in rectal object-insertion. However, after numerous fatalities among their membership, as well as widespread anal sphincter damage and many, ahem, embarrassing incidents that so many 40-something LGFers had to explain to their mothers who entered the basement at "inconvenient times", the BRBBers decided that they had to compromise on their favorite objects of posterior insertional ecstasy and settled on the Little Green Football. The rest, as they say, is history.

To keep their amazing tradition of Saturday night anal orgies a secret, however, the LGFers had to concoct a front. And that front became none other than that glorious collection of drool and flatulence that LGF has become-- a site dripping with homophobia, hatred of Europeans, especially those dastardly French, and of course an abiding, genocidal hatred of Ay-rabs and brown people the world over. In fact, my contact has informed me that LGFers are constantly trying to "up the ante" in the genocidalness of their hatred of brown people, with each new advance in genocidal rhetoric bringing the members to the next level of insertional ecstasy on their secret Saturday night anal orgies. I say, general, that 'tis quite an honor for you to be so high in the thoughts of such a distinguished group of people. This is the Colonel, over and out!

There LGFers secrets are finally unveiled. Big Red Bowling Balls I guess it could make sense. Anyway seems like a big day today, I think I may post later on the new Pope Benedict XVI, Oklahoma City bombing and Waco. But I really gots to do my HTML project- my last work of the year so we'll see.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Blog Updating- ONDY Hookup

Among other blog improvements I've done recently is my inclusion of the Ontario New Democratic Youth headlines on the right sidebar. They seem to update almost daily mostly outlining McGuinty's Liberal government broken promises and betrayal of any sort of left of centre policies. Granted this is easy to do since Dalton McGuinty more then any other politician cant keep a promise to save his life. To give him the benefit of the doubt he probably doesn't break promises in his sleep; although how he can live with himself let alone sleep is beyond me.

Gotta love the Youth wing of all party as they are always more radical then your parent party filled matured politicians rather than fiery ideologues. Parent parties often clamp down on their youth wings radicalism to quote Doug in his If there is hope blog:

As the party marched rightward during the 1960s, despite helping gain some important social reforms, the base of the party moved to the left. By 1972, a large, young and influential radical socialist caucus within the NDP known as "the Waffle", got official support from the New Democratic Youth, and even
managed to take control of the New Brunswick New Democrats (the provincial party, intertwined with the national party). Its leader, James Laxer ran for the party leadership but lost. In response, NDP leader David Lewis, with the backing of the labour leaders, effectively expelled The Waffle, dissolved the New Democratic Youth and even disbanding the New Brunswick New Democrats. (The International Socialists formed out of the remnants of the Waffle around 1974). This paved the way for Ed Broadbent's "Third Way" leadership.

And a similar restraint can be seen on the right side of the political spectrum with the close vote against creating an official youth wing at the Conservative Party's of Canada recent convention. I like youth wings because they are straight up with no doublespeak. This is straight from the ONDY's mandate:

The ONDY will not rest until capitalism has been eradicated and replaced with a democratic, classless and socialist society. Only then will all people throughout the world have the opportunity to enjoy free, happy and meaningful lives.

Check out the rest if only because it is refreshing to see a party officially lie down their long-term goals if any besides getting elected to power by any means necessary including abandoning your core principals.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Ann... oh Ann

Ann Coulter, state worshipping warmonger extraordinaire whom, if she lost a few pounds, would probably slip through the floorboards is at it again. In her recent column, "The Purpose Driven Left," she artfully slandered everybody left of her and Rush all while misrepresenting a completely irrelevant anecdote. She wasted no time going to the heart of the issue:

The liberal take on Catholicism is that it's a controversial religion because of its positions on abortion, sodomy and various other crucial planks of the Democratic platform (curiously, positions that are shared by all three of the world's major religions).

The issue I guess is attacking the Left. As any good conservative, Ann is quick to the 'wedge issues'; though it would be hard to say the Democrats make abortion a key plank of their legislative efforts and sodomy is hilarious. I mean does anyone really give a shit if someone next door loves the back door be it same sex or straight? At least she doesn't screech about gay marriage this time (surprising!).

I will take a little aside here to talk about the Pope. Being a social democrat atheist of Polish descent, I think the Pope was the man. Now he certainly had many failings but in all he was true to his faith. He was the first ever pope set foot inside a mosque, the first to visit Israel where he placed a prayer inside the Western wall, and always was antiwar. The only Western leader to explicitly fight against the Iraq War, Pope John Paul II loved peace as much as Ann Coulter loves to invade, kill and forcibly convert the people over there.

Back to the article, Ann essentially retells Ashley Smith's herorics in her kidnapping by Brian Nichols the escaped rapist who shot up an Atlanta courtroom. Personally I think it’s a great story and to quote from the MSNBC article it was the "best case scenario" that could have happened- a happy ending to gruesome and desperate tale of murder and escape. Coulter does however neglect to mention Ashley not only used Christian teachings but also personal conscience such as the fact she needed to see her daughter and her husband had been murdered, to appeal to Nichols. But this misrepresentation is not Coulter's cardinal sin.

For some reason Ann wants to politicize this testament to human courage and use it a weapon against liberals of all people. I’m surprised Ann is impressed by Ashley's peaceful appeal to Christianity when she says things like this:

I think [women] should be armed but should not [be allowed to] vote.

She was probably disappointed that Ashley didn’t bust out a gat and start a gunfight or mace Nichols to further enrage him. Throughout her career, Coulter has attempted to show how secular liberals want to destroy Christian America. Using Ashley Smith's story is irrelevant to this cause because it doesn't matter what political affiliations Nichols or Smith adhered to as it is a story of personal and religious morals.

It is interesting to note that Coulter believes the only secular minded people are liberals and that the left is secular in nature. I'm sure the different ministers and leaders of our NDP would disagree i.e. J.S. Woodsworth, Tommy Douglas, Bill Balkie, and their belief in the social gospel. The Left certainly has a strong religious component which Ann chooses to ignore. I guess the religious left is far less militant then the religious right, maybe that’s the problem. She does advocate violence against American civilians which I don't believe the Religious Left agrees to:

My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.

Disgusting is about the only word that can describe that statement. It turns my stomach to think mainstream conservatives accept a woman who believes this (GRAPHIC) is perfectly acceptable it just could be better directed.

In the end, Ann finishes with a veiled dig at Rachael Corrie and of course a leading Democrat who this time is Nancy Pelosi. After reading Ann's tiresome and ultimately disturbing rants, one questions the sanity of the American Republican party. She is not some obscure wacko writing from her cabin in Montana but a nationally syndicated columnist who frequents political pundit shows and is just another component of the Right Wing noise machine and echo chamber that is shepherded by Rush, Savage, Malkin, talk radio, FOX 'News", Powerline and Reynolds.

They do not bring debate but savage partisan hackery to a new level. In the words of Paul Craig Roberts in The Brownshirting of America:

Bush's conservative supporters want no debate. They want no facts, no analysis. They want to denounce and demonize the enemies that the Hannitys, Limbaughs, and Savages of talk radio assure them are everywhere at work destroying their great and noble country.

Read the whole article. Its great when ultra-conservatives-libertarians such as Lew Rockwell and Justin Raimondo warn about the "many different guises in which tyranny appears" and the "rebirth of fascism" in 21th Century America. David Neiwert is getting conservative company in his The Rise of Pseudo Fascism and Rush, Newspeak and Fascism essays. Let's hope they are not too prophetic.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Iraq Protest and Powerline

I was somewhat impressed by the anti-Saddam, anti-occupation, and pro-Islamic protest in Baghdad for the second anniversary of the fall of Baghdad. According to Riverbend there were protest all over Iraq including Mosul and the south with Sunnis but mostly Shia Sadr supporters.
But others were less impressed that Iraqis are somewhat tired of being liberated to death. Ever vigilant Powerline is on the ball with its analysis. They seem to rely on an Iraqi who resides in California. Alright might not be the best reporting but not a huge point if it’s just viewing available photos. They make the most the fact that these people don’t like Saddam and terrorism. No shit, not many people love Saddam or terrorism but also not many people love American troops occupying Iraq. Here I love this photo from the rally:

Bush and Saddam

Wow equating Bush with Saddam no wonder the right wingers weren't too pleased by this expression of people power. Then HindRocket informs us that Sadr didn't win a single seat in the Iraqi parliament. Well maybe that is because Sadr did not run and rejected the election. Even after leaving out that cruical point HindRocket is still wrong as he left out that- Cadres and the Chosen- a party allied with Sadr did win three seats. And the UIA which won 51% of the seats had 20 Sadrists on its list but I don’t know how many of them got in. Also he declined to mention the results of provincial elections which left Sadrists in control of a least seven provinces. My favorite part was HindRocket’s closing statement:

Yet, it seems, their ability to turn out a few tattered demonstrators is enough to garner headlines throughout the U.S. Why?
Hmmmmm Okay I'll take your word for it Time's Blog of the Year
Baghdad 2nd Year Protest
A Few Tattered Demonstrators by John Hinderaker

Whoops last time I checked 300,000 was more then a few. When you frequent the right wing blogoshpere echo chamber you become surprised that Iraqis do not appreciate American occupation forces looting their country.
Compare the above picture with this 'climactic moment' Hindrocket was telling us about just over two years ago.

Firdos Square April 9th 2003 Climactic Moment By John Hinderaker

Good thing CNN and their Mainstream buddies did a closeup. And a good thing too we have watchful bloggers like Powerline to keep them under tabs.

UPDATE: I was wrong, Sadr does have more then 3 supporters in the Iraqi Parliament. According to Juan Cole he has around 20 supporters which is impressive if you consider that the Sunnis only have 17 seats. Scroll down to bottom of his post to see for yourself.